Domsel Consulting Online academy - Module 1 - Domsel Consulting

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Webinars & VCTs
Online Akademie
Module 1


  • Getting to know the online training platform from the point of view of the participant
  • What options does a participant have in a VCT with regard to interaction?
  • In a VCT (Virtual Classroom Training) a lot more interaction is possible than in a webinar. Here, the participants can not only interact via chat, but they also have the opportunity to voice via audio and be connected via camera.
  • During module 1, a "technology check" takes place, in which it is checked whether the hardware used in the form of webcam and headset work properly.
  • At the end of Module 1, what you have learned will be translated directly into a hands-on exercise, and each participant will take the first steps in a VCT in the form of a short personal introduction.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
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